I’ve paid my bill, so why aren’t my services online?
Once an account has been suspended due to non-payment, services are powered off and cannot be reactivated
Once an account has been suspended due to non-payment, services are powered off and cannot be reactivated
We will charge your credit card only after you’ve used up your free credits. For instance, if we gave you $150 in credit valid for 30 days, that sum will be applied to your charges automatically
After registering with Hostereo, you will get $150 of credit in your account. You can use this credit for 30 days to pay for any Hostereo resources.
We will send you an invoice at 00:00 UTC on the first day of each new month. You must pay the invoice by the 10th of the current month. If there is no payment, your resources will be blocked. If we do not receive your payment within 2 months, all your resources will be deleted.
You will never be billed a higher price for your Instance than the flat monthly rate. All Instances are billed by-the-minute up to a monthly cap of 672 hours (the number of hours in 4 weeks)