You will never be billed a higher price for your Instance than the flat monthly rate. All Instances are billed by-the-minute up to a monthly cap of 672 hours (the number of hours in 4 weeks). If you use your server for fewer than 672 hours during the month, you will be billed for each minute that you used. If you use your server for more than 672 hours that month, you will be billed at the monthly rate. For example, if you spin up a $10/mo Instance and use it for 336 hours, you will be charged $5 (going by the minute rate). If you instead use this instance for 700 hours, you will be charged $10 (capped at the monthly rate). You can never overpay due to the minute rate. So, if you use your instance for just 40 minutes, you will be charged only for 40 minutes of use.